There are new fancy keyless entries on the bathroom doors! Huzzah!
Nicole had some contractions last night, but it was false alarm. Grand-baby due date still February 11th!
Little Joe has someone interesting involved with his son’s baseball team.
Trump says “pussy” at a rally.
Don is upset the end of the Good Wife was tossed out during the SB.
And what was the deal with the IBS commercials with the dancing intestines?
Mardi Gras in New Orleans, and it’s Fat Tuesday! The guys call many bars in New Orleans…are they successful in finding the drunkest person early in the morning?
We are joined by Frank Caliendo, who shows off his new Robert Downey Jr impression and talk of the SB and Frank’s in-laws being with him for almost two months. Plus some Madden talk! Thanks, Frank. Check out Frank this weekend at Fantasy Springs Casino in Palm Springs, Ca!
An all new bunch of great calls (and one disgruntled fan who always complains) made the PhoneScan hum! The DGS LobsterBib goes to “Frank Underwood!” Call the show anytime 24/7 and hear yourself tomorrow!
(Coming soon, your LIVE calls!)
A Broncos fan spends $30g on the SB and doesn’t tell his wife.
Dear Amy, are my maid and gardner doing it?
Woman is allergic to cake (but Joe would still take her for a night).
Little Joe gives us the news & comment, too numerous to mention here.
Closing Song: Once You Get Started / Rufus
Total Show Run Time: 2:58