“My Wife Got Lost In Ikea” 12.09.15

“My Wife Got Lost In Ikea” 12.09.15

Posted by on Dec 9, 2015 in Announcements |

As the show title hints, Janet got lost inside Ikea yesterday. The key words are “short cut.”
Trump doubles down on his anti Muslim thoughts.
Soem talk about anti-Isis day on Twitter.
Don’s twitter conversation with a Conn senator about guns.
Don’s weekly address to the nation on Supergirl.
Talk of the adventures that await Dennis Murphy next week at the Bunny Ranch.
Why did a listener send Don this video about an adopted baby?
A lil thin on the ole Tuesdee PhoneScan. Let’s see what the next 24 hours bring on our automated VM line!
“Prank” gone wrong, with black man in prison outfit.
Seattle police arrest man for doing coke at traffic stop.
Same zombie jesus story as last year from Ohio.
* FBI gets more info on the San Bernardino shooters
* Trump still killing it int he USA Today power rankings
* Everyone is against Trump on his anti-Musilim standing
* Jon Stewart returns to the Daily Show
* Remaking Dirty Dancing
* People already camping out for Star Wars
* Alligator kills man in Florida, man was hiding from cops
* A hit and run 911 call, woman busted by her automated car’s system calling 911
* Top Navy admiral fired after being found drunk and naked at a Florida hotel

Closing Song: Don’t Call Us (we’ll call you) / Sugarloaf
Total Show Run Time: 2:45
