“Charlie Chen” 11.18.15

Posted by on Nov 18, 2015 in Announcements |

Don is still a fan of Supergirl, even after the most recent episode.
Simon Cowell speaks about the Paris tragedy.
Barbie dolls for boys?
Trump takes on Ben Carson, long form in Iowa.
A call to Brian from Lodi who will be hosting Dennis Murphy in mid December.
Again, a 15 min wait on the Butterball hotline!
Some listener intros for the new POS show.
A mighty fine Wednesdee PhoneScan, won by “Donatella Smythe”, aka Janet! Win your DGSLobsterBib tomorrow by calling our VM anytime!
This lady REALLY like Patti La Belle pie!
Did Rhonda Rousey take a dive?
* 2 Air France flights diverted Tuesday night after bomb threats
* Soccer stadium in Germany evacuated after a threat there also
* Marco Rubio at #1 in the USA Today GOP power rankings
* Boby Jindal ends his race for the White House
* Bree Olsen says Charlie Sheen never disclosed HIV to her
* NY state atty general vs Fan Duel and Draft Kings
* SNL announces hosts thru the end of the year
* TV ratings
* Burt Reynolds could have nailed Greta Garbo?

Closing Song: Fox On The Run / Sweet
Total Show Run Time: 2:41
