Show starts with Charlie Sheen on the Today Show. HIV positive for over four years now. Last week when the story broke, D&P broke it down with their own list of possibles….Sheen was #1 then and now.
The new breed of homeless people invading our bathroom. With a homeless locksmith?
Money Pit update: Don&Janet’s neighbor Larry says he can see Don taking a dump from their newly renovated bathroom. A test proves he is wrong.
Dennis Murphy selects a day (or 3) to come to Nor Cal to visit.
Loyal Listener Brian From Lodi volunteers to host Dennis with his family.
A very weak PhoneScan, only 2 lil calls on our VM line. More calls tomorrow = more DGS LobsterBibs being given away!
The Butterball Turkey Hotline has a 15 minute wait?!?
The 14 yr old born without an anus.
Water pistol with semen, not a good idea.
Chickens can float, dumbest video of the day.
* France vs Isis
* Robe Lowe defending his Twitter feed about Paris
* Paris attack tv news ratings
* Charlie Sheen on the today show, more details
* Three Republicans ask NBC for equal time after Trump hosted SNL
* More on Indonesia’s anti drug prison surrounded by tigers
* Cait Jenner to appear on Keeping Up With The Kardasians for Xmas
* Firefighter gets face transplant
Closing Song: Temptation Eyes / Grass Roots
Total Show Run Time: 2:49