“End Of Days” 9.23.15

“End Of Days” 9.23.15

Posted by on Sep 23, 2015 in Announcements |

Today is the 23rd of Sept, Pat Robertson and other tv preachers are predicting this is the beginning of the end of the world.
Jim Bakker says unless you buy his freeze dried food, during the end of the world gangs of starving people will try to eat your babies. This prompts a call to the Bakker ministry, to see if the guys can order his $9,000 barrel of freeze dried pasta.
This prompts a discussion about being an Atheist.brand
That’s followed by a call the the Trump For President campaign. Don sincerely gives his support.
Then a call to the Atlanta Hawks about their “Ashley Madison” promotion. This call also goes well.
Big Brother finale tonight. The guys will finally be done with it!
NO PhoneScan today due to lack o calls. Only YOU can make the segment happen, so call in!
More news on Ahmed, the boy withe the clock that his school thought was a bomb.
Sam Wothington vs photogs.
Boys genitals trapped in swimtrunks from UK store.
* The Pope arrives in the US
* Brian Williams returns to MSNBC
* Trump still leads in GOP polling, and on the Democratic side Hillary Clinton falls below 50%
* Ted Cruz bood while on The Late Show
* Transgender person hassled by TSA because she has a penis
* Sean Penn files $10mil lawsuit against Lee Daniels
* Some first week Neilsen tv ratings (spoiler: NFL)
* Will Forte and January Jones no longer a couple
* A bad interview for Robert De Niro
* Don’t commit a crime and post it on Facebook

Closing Song: Family Of Man / Three Dog Night
Total Show Run Time: 2:47
