“No Fantasy League For Jimmy” 8.11.15

Posted by on Aug 11, 2015 in Announcements |

Show starts with a call to brother Jim about joining the show’s 2015 FantasyFootballLeague. Jim responds as only he can.
A call to Abe Vigoda on the passing of Frank Gifford, Abe takes the call but asks to call back.
A call to Dennis Murphy at the preordained time for au update from Utah. No answer from Dennis.
Phantom reveals his version of “King’s Things.”
Captain Kangroo was into water sports?
Dennis calls in, 30 min late from Utah. On your tax dime.
MasterClass.com, Don feels this is a waste of everybody’s time.
A might fine PHONE SCAN today, the DGS LobsterBib goes to the “X Box” caller! Win yours tomorrow by calling the show anytime today! 24/7
A crazy rape story from Indian tv.
Best vendor in MLB is a guy who sells lemonade in Arizona.
* More violent protests in Ferguson, Mo.
* More than 78000 GOP tv spots have aired so far this year
* Melissa Gilbert is running for the US House of Reps
* Good Day Orlando anchor walks off?
*Google to overhaul and become a new company, Alphabet
* U S Coast Guard finds more than $1 Billion worth of cocaine
* LAPD adds security for the premiere of “Straight Outta Compton”
* More lineup news for The Late Late Show
* Kevin Pollak discusses being killed off on the sitcom, “Mom”

Closing Song: I Can’t Stop Dancing / Archie Bell & The Drells
Total Show Run Time: 2:42
