“Colin Kane” 6.5.15

Posted by on Jun 5, 2015 in Announcements |

Happy Birthday Phantom! (It’s tomorrow)
Don was at the studios at 11am yesterday, no one showed for the sex at Suzies like the ad said on Craigslist.
The guys go thru a website to find out when Phantom will die. (He has a 98 chance out of 100 to live 5 more years.) It says Don will die between the age of 77-79.
#HoldACokeWithYourBoobs is all a joke!
Pat Robertson vs a Ouigi board.
Man plays guitar while getting brain surgery.
Hitler’s cognac. That is all.
WORLD CLASS PHONE SCAN ON THIS GOOD LOOKIN FRIDAY! Tons of great calls, and three (3) big winners of the DGS LobsterBib! Win yours Monday by calling our VM line all weekend long!
* Sarah Palin defends the Duggars
* Sarah Palin calls Leah Dunham a pedophile
* The Duggar family has lost the Huckabee vote
* Megyn Kelly’s FNC interview w the Duggars had record high ratings
* More than 4.5 million views of “I Am Cait”
* Entourage made 5.3million on Wednesday
* Don reviews all the new movies he hasn’t seen yet
* Jason Alexander is taking back his “Susan story”
* Jane Fonda and Lily Tonlin are pissed Martin Sheen and Sam Waterson are making the same salary as they are on the Netflix show “Grance & Frankie”
We are joined for the last 40 minutes by Colin Kane, who will be performing at Punchline/Sacramento all this weekend. The guys and Colin discuss his comedy, his personal life, and he asks Don quite a few questions as well. Get your tickets to see Colin at PunchlineSac.com!

Closing Song: Are You Gonna Be My Girl / Jet
Total Show Run Time: 2:46
