“She’s A Lady” 4.29.15

Posted by on Apr 29, 2015 in Announcements |

Don went to the dentist! It didn’t hurt! And he watched tv from the dentist’s chair!
Baltimore riots, day 2 and all is calmer. Until Friday?
The guys get into an article (Huff Post) about a former KHTK program director who, like Bruce Jenner, always knew he wanted to be a woman. Phantom used to work with the fellow everyday on the air. It’s a wide ranging interview and many of the guys questions are kind of answered. (“Penis inside out?”)
Our friend, Masked Tweeter X outdoes himself in Part 3 of the Vinnie saga.
MTX stays with it to the end, even when Vinnie tries to turn the tables. WELL DONE!
Another rousing edition of the PhoneScan! Many great calls, (a personal fav the trucker who called three times and left his number) but the winner of the DGS LobsterBib was determined by Phantom to be DjDan from Baltimore giving us the PBP of the Orioles game with no one there. Win your bib tomorrow, call today!
Our VM line is open 24/7
844-818-1140Charlie Casserly doesn’t know he’s on live tv.
Pat Robertson says if you get drunk and blow a guy that’s ok.
Harrison Ford says get the fuck out of my house to David Blaine.
* Baltimore, the curfew and what happens later this week
* Baltimore’s mayor and gov walk off CBB and Don Lemon
* Twitter’s co founders lost $750 mil in paper wealth yesterday afternoon after 1st quarter revenue fell short of estimates
* Bruce Jenner wants to take legal action over photos of him a dress that aired on CNN
* Actress Alice Eve (Star Trek Into Darkness) says Bruce Jenner is playing at being a woman
* Law & Order SVU already writing transgender show for next season
* All those NBC crossover episodes
* Big ratings for 20/20, Big Bang Theory and DWTS
* Suzanne Crowe, aka Tracy Partridge died on Monday
* Jack Ely, lead singer on “Louie Louie” by the Kingsmen died on Tuesday
* Is Joni Mitchell in a coma or not?
* New reality show, “The Briefcase” sounds really dumb, it then will be a huge hit

Closing Song: She’s A Lady / Tom Jones
Total Show Run Time: 2:50
