“Armageddon” 3.27.15

Posted by on Mar 27, 2015 in Announcements |

Don starts the show by wondering what is would be like to be a deaf disc jockey. That brings old memories of former WJFK traffic girl Kate Slaugh, aka BTK.
Yes, Don was streaming live pre show video on the Meerkat app before the program today.
Ashley Judd was at the UK basketball game, no one called her the C word.
Is a giant asteroid headed for Earth, like in the movie “Armageddon?” Don thinksit might, and he was reading NASA literature yesterday and is tracking the asteroid now. Don has some very different thoughts about how to spend the last few hours alive, as does Phantom.
What is the deal with the woman in Nor Cal abducted, all a hoax, and she’s gone again?
Don’s son Bart turns 30 next week. This blows Don’s mind. Phantom’s son is also about to turn 21. Equally mind blowing.
Cooter from Dukes Of Hazzard thinks MLK would approve of Confederate Flags on license plates.
LISTENER VOICE MAIL! Many good Friday calls, the winner again was “Jay Wuck Guy, and his Amageddon call. Win your DGS LobsterBib now, call all weekend for Monday’s show!
Man who has 34 kids with 17 women to get his own reality show on OWN.
Dear Pridence, boob job for my flat daughter?
Decapitating a goat is as disgusting as you imagine.
* That plane crash in Germany
* Pentagon propaganda vs ISIS
* What to do with a National Guardsman arrested for planning an attack on a military post in Illinois
* Don Review’s this weekend’s new movies (he LOVES “Get Hard”)
* CBS massaging advertisers
* Michael Keaton to host SNL again
* Jason Alexander will replace Larry David on Broadway
* NBC is bring back “Coach”
* Phil Robertson is again an idiot
* Country lesbian song “Girl Crush”
* Big Mac pajamas
* Kenny G invented the frappuccino

Closing Song: I Just Want To Celebrate / Rare Earth
Total show Run Time: 2:56
