Opening Song: Good Girls Don’t / The Knack
Don has burned his finger on a Pop Tart and Phantom has lost his glasses. Old white guy problems.
Goodbye, Good Wife wall art, hello wall size logo.
Another tune from local band Squire’s Rock.
Loyal listener Karen send in some very explicit material, as requested. Bravo!
Those racist students at OU and their dumb chant Rush Limbaugh thinks could be a hit song if Kayne West sang it.
Crazy Eagles coach Chip Kelly.
LISTENER VOICE MAIL SEGMENT, yes! Many regulars, a few news ones, and a discussion from the guys about God halfway thru…just because. Today’s winner of the DGS LobsterBib is from the 209, it could be yours tomorrow!
Woman addicted to porn, she only masturbates 6 times a day ?!?
Why is David Lee Roth introducing this bad cover of Hot For Teacher?
* Nick Gordon vs Dr Phil
* More bad stuff happening in Ferguson, Mo
* Lara Logan sexual attacked in Egypt
* Online petition says keep Jeremy Clarkson
* Another Three Dog Night member buys the farm
* Kathy Griffin has more thoughts on the Fashion Police saga
* CBS renews Mom & Mike and Molly
* The CW renews everything, including The Flash
* Will Farrell will play all nine positions in baseball in one day at 5 different parks
Closing Song: Jamie’s Crying / Van Halen
Total Show Run Time: 2:54