“Warmest Greetings!” 12.13.16

“Warmest Greetings!” 12.13.16

Posted by on Dec 13, 2016 in Announcements, Misc. |


Today on the Don Geronimo Show, Don starts off by announcing his dislike for Christmas wreaths on cars, which leads the boys to talk about the new Lexus covered with LED lights.  Don then reviews Caressa Kisses Twitter account and the perverts she retweets.  Don played a video of an evangelist in Alaska going to the mall to tell children that Santa is fake…so Don gave him a call and left him a pleasant voicemail.  Don then talked about the new McDonalds cup that looks like spreading butt cheeks, so Don called McDonalds to complain.  Don told us how Susan Brady lost her job as an internet radio host.  This somehow reminded Don of his Anna Nicole Smith tape, which then lead Don down a journey of random tapes he has.  Don called his brother Tom for an update on his broken penis.  Don then played his random stories including a woman upset that she got kicked out of Victoria Secret for being black, and some high school kids who used their semen to frost a cake in class.  And in honor of Tom DeLonge’s birthday the boys closed the show with Blink 182 and “First Date”.

LJ Call