Show Recap Wednesdee 11.19.14

Posted by on Nov 19, 2014 in Announcements |


Forgotten45: Devil Inside – INXS
Opening Song: California Girls – David Lee Roth

The show starts with some discussion of the weather in Buffalo, Phantom’s car alarm, and how much he IS Mr. Magoo.
Don is swayed by many emails not in support of Jay Wuck, who has sent yet another tape in. It disappoints.
Don wants to break up with Jay, but not like he broke up with Teresa Mc Bride in Junior High.
Masked Tweeter X saves the day with his new intro jingle for Aaron From Baltimore. Well Done!
There is a lot of discussion of the themes to the Cosby Show, and the many sexual allegations surrounding the Coz.
Penguin Sex. But no video.
Debating the right reasons to cut off a friend’s penis and feed it to your dog.
An old D&M tape where Don said BullShit and the delay button wasn’t hit.
Then, Phantom News and Comment!
Phantom is still upset at Dish Network threatening to knock off many networks, including CBS.
A Jacksonville Jaguare player tried to rob a store with bubble gum.
The guys go down Jaz Jags memory lane, stop on Fred Taylor.

Closing Song: You Got The Love – Rufus
Total Show Time: 3 hr 2 min