“How Now Brown Cow” 06.16.17

“How Now Brown Cow” 06.16.17

Posted by on Jun 16, 2017 in Announcements |

Today on the Don Geronimo Show,

Don starts off by telling Little Joe he dresses like Simon Cowell.

Don then tells us why he’s not a fan of this new nice Simon Cowell.

Don talked about the “spooks” in the studio.

Don gave us an update on the Bill Cosby trial before getting into Marv Albert and sodomy.

Don told us how many American’s think chocolate milk is from brown cows.

Little Joe went to the local 7 Eleven to ask the cashier about her wig.

Don discovered that their is still a Sambo’s restaurant open, so he called them.

The boys had a phone scan before Don played us Stephen A Smith talking about sex.

And in honor of Tupac’s birthday, the boys closed the show with “California Love”.