“Comcast-riffic” 7.29.15

“Comcast-riffic” 7.29.15

Posted by on Jul 29, 2015 in Announcements |

Show starts 5 minutes late after a Comcast service interruption that was supposed to end at 5am.
That coming on the heels of yesterday’s debacle to get the show posted.
Hi Lorne Michaels, and thanks for coming in!
Tom Brady and destroying his cell phone. Let’s look at his FB page.
A relisten to Spanish Fly by Bill Cosby.
Houston radio station has their RDS hacked, for the N word.
The dentist lion killer, who EVERYONE hates.
PHONE SCAN RETURNS, but not it’s finest moment. Phantom would have awarded zero DGS LobsterBibs, Don would give two, one to Eli Mc Fly and one to the nice caller from New Mexico. But the OGP rules, so no bibs for you. Make tomorrow’s scan a better one, call in anytime!
St Landry Parish Crime Stopper Hotline! This officer is awesome.
A tape of Patrick Stewart talking about whale snot.
* Brady gets all four games from Goodell and the NFL
* Donald Trump apologizing for his rape comments
* Is there a place for Sarah Palin in the Trump cabinet? Maybe so
* Bill Cosby will speak on one allegation of sexual misconduct, according to Gloria Allred
* Az Cardinals hire NFL’s first female coach
* Message about safety now being played in some theatre chains (about gun violence)
* Don reviews “Vacation” without having seen it, it opens today

Closing Song: Tragedy / Bee Gees
Total Show Run Time: 2:48
