The Future

Posted by on Aug 21, 2014 in Misc. | 29 comments

images-9How’s your old tomato this morning? As I write this, I’ve just posted a note on Twitter stating “Almost There”. That’s true! Technically, we are 100% rebuilt and ready to go. We are at the last hurdle, moving all of your subscriptions I’m grandfathering into the new show. That may seem simple, but after dealing with RELM it most certainly is not. We received no less than eight different spreadsheets concerning our subscriber data base (thousands of listeners),  each one saying the previous one was now obsolete, and ‘THIS’ was the real one. Even after SO many hours of looking at all this data, we discovered that:

Some of you had been entered three of four times in the RELM database, with different email addresses. Some of you had names supplied, but incomplete email addresses. Some of your have written to us, and after not being able to find your name or information, we would discover it on a previous spread sheet under a different classification. Some people had monthly subscriptions but were in a pile w quarterlies. Some accounts, such “Joe Schmoe at 1234 Main Street USA” supplied an email as “”. Obviously, those accounts are bogus, and we still have no idea what they are doing in these spreadsheets.  Unless you actually ARE a subscriber named Joe Schmoe, in which I say thanks for your support. Otherwise, it has been tedious. PONDEROUS, man!

But, we are near the end. Now our new team has to write the software so you will get a coupon code for the time that is owed on your deal with an extra bonus month on top of it. That means more hurry up and wait. This is yet another part we WILL NOT RUSH to ensure it is done right. We are not going to get all the mechanics in place and leave anyone out. Our tech people are coordinating with our partners as we speak to start this last step.

I wish it could be faster, but I really treasure your loyalty to my show. That means giving you what you paid for and more. You know Drew and I can’t wait to get back on the air. As Tom Cousens wrote me once, “SOON”.


Patience Is Bitter, But The Fruit Is Sweet,


paywallDon Geronimo, deejay